Crystal Lake Montessori School

Health & Safety

Our students’ health and safety is our primary concern as we head into the 2021-22 school year. We feel extremely fortunate to have been able to stay open for in-person learning last year. We are actively reviewing the CDC and State guidance and have been developing our Health & Safety plan for the fall.


One of the questions we're hearing from families is about masks for children. Per Governor Pritzker's Executive order August 5, 2021, masks are required indoor by all staff, students (2+), and visitors, regardless of vaccination status, in all Illinois public and private schools.

Masks are required by the Illinois Department of Health for any individual over the age of 2 when riding in a bus.

If the legislation changes, we will update our families.


The Health Department is now doing contact tracing only for individuals who were less than 3 feet for more than 15 minutes from an individual who tests positive for COVID-19. In this situation, we would notify all families in the class and communicate individually with those required to quarantine, but we will not be quarantining the entire class unit.

We are not offering an off-campus learning program this year. If your student is required to quarantine, your child’s teacher will make a plan with you to continue their learning until they are allowed to return.

Mitigation Strategies

We will continue to implement the “Clean School” COVID-19 risk mitigation strategies we put in place last year with enhanced cleaning, including overnight electrostatic disinfection. The teachers will perform a visual wellness check on arrival, and families are asked to exercise caution and keep children home if they show signs of illness. We will continue our practice of leaving outdoor items (coats, hats, backpacks, shoes, etc.) in the Arrivals hall and limiting items that come into the classroom.

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